Beautiful pics of Jacqueline Fernandez and Deepika Padukone feet & legs

Jacqueline Fernandez grew up in Bahrain, Manama. She is Sri Lankan and comes from a multiethnic background. Jacqueline's father Elroy is Sri Lankan (Catholic Sinhalese) and her mother, Kim is a Malaysian. Jacqueline is the youngest of two siblings and has a brother who is older. The 80s were the time when her parents emigrated to Bahrain because of civil war over Sri Lanka. In the end, she was born and raised in Bahrain. After graduating from the schooling in Bahrain she was awarded an Scholarship at the University of Sydney to pursue a Media and Communications Degree in Sydney, Australia. To enhance her interest in different cultures, languages and languages, she was enrolled at the Berlitz schools of languages where she was able to learn Spanish in addition to improving French and Arabic. Miss Sri Lanka 2006 competed for Miss Universe 2006 as well as Miss Universe 2006 when she was awarded the title in 2006. In 2006 she won she won the Miss Sri Lanka title. Then, she stepped into the world of television, hosting an interview show on Sri Lankan companies called Lanka Business Report. Padukone was the daughter of badminton world champion Prakash Padukone. Padukone grew as a child in Bangalore, but she came from Copenhagen. When she was in her teens, Padukone competed in badminton championships at national levels. But, she resigned from the sport to make a profession as fashion designer. Padukone was born in Mangalore, India. The language she speaks is Konkani is her origin. Her family ancestors are from the village of Padukone within the Kundapura Taluk, in the Udupi district of Karnataka state, which is located in India. Prakash Padukone was a badminton legend who retired in the 1980s. The mother of her daughter, who worked for a travel agency, also hails from the village.

pics Sarah Grey feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez a feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez b feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez c feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez d feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez e feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez f feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez g feet & legs pics Deepika Padukone h feet & legs pics Deepika Padukone i feet & legs


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